About Us

Expertise and Technical Capability
T he BSG team has several decades of experience in Specialty Gases production, operations, and marketing. Our state of the art production facility in Dubai was set up with the backing of one of the most reputable International calibration gases suppliers. We aim to build up long term relationships with our customers based on our quality products and services and flexibility to meet customers' needs.
All the weights used to calibrate our gravimetric balances are traceable to US NVLAP and manufactured following ISO6142. Where analysis is required our instruments are calibrated with standards traceable to NPL or NIST.
Production, Quality and Safety
BSG is committed to providing best quality products and services to our customers with utmost care and protection to the environment and to the health and occupational safety of our employees. This pledge is transpired by accreditation awards from Bureau Veritas for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
Cylinder Preparation
We have the in house expertise to select compatible cylinder, valve type / material, and a range of specialised internal cylinder treatments to guarantee mixture stability.
Mixture Production
All mixtures are prepared gravimetrically with high precision balances with the highest accuracy available and are calibrated with weights traceable to USA NVLAP. We are dedicated to high quality calibration gases manufacture and can provide the shortest delivery times based on customers’ requirements.
Laboratory and Analysis
BSG has a dedicated laboratory for the analysis and stability verification of all finished materials and all products manufactured follow a complete independently accredited QC process.
All mixtures are issued with a Certificate of Composition which includes the following:
* Mixture Composition requested and actual certified composition.
* Traceability Information.
* Gas mixture pressure, volume, accuracy, valve type.
* Customer Order Reference.
* Shelf Life / Expiry Date.
Quality Policy
Bristol Gases Manufacturing (BG) is a pioneer in the production, testing and calibration of REFERENCE GASES materials, specialty gas mixtures and industrial gases. Delivering world class products and services in various activities in the field of design, manufacturing, Testing/Calibration and trading has been a part of our business excellence process.
BG is committed to maintain confidentiality, impartiality & continual improvement to achieve our vision, mission and ensure compliance to Quality Management System in line with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 17025:2017 & ISO 17034:2016 standards requirements through.
Partnership & Resources:
Customers,Products & Service:
This policy is communicated through different means to our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and all other interested parties.
Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Policy
Bristol Gases Manufacturing (BG) is pioneer in providing industrial and specialty gases . We support our people wellbeing by providing a safe and healthy working environment , th ereby preventing work related injury, ill health and enhancing Occupational health and Safety ( OH&S ) management system performance. We are committed for continual improvement to enhance (OH&S) management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45 001:2018 through
Partnership & Resources:
Customers,Products & Service:
This policy is communicated through different means to our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors a nd all other interested parties and reviewed periodically as required by management system guidelines.
Environmental Policy
Bristol Gases Manufacturing (B G ) is the pioneers in Industrial and Specialty gases . We ensure to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio - economic needs. We are committed for continual improvement to enhance Envir onmental Management System performance in line with ISO 14001:2015 standard requirements through
Partnership & Resources:
Processes,Products & Service:
This policy is communicated through different means to our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and all other interested parties .